The UNESCO and the International Council on Archives recently reminded the world leaders the crucial role of archives in building the memory of a society and the importance of insuring that historical events such as the one we are currently experiencing are well documented for future generations and the historians of tomorrow.
In order to ensure that our regional perspective is being represented in this documentation effort, the Société du patrimoine des Beaucerons (SPB) is inviting Beaucerons et Beauceronnes of all ages and areas to submit their testimonials
With the documents collected by this initiative a collection will be created and will be preserved in our facilities for future generations.
Tell us, using any medium you wish, what the statistics do not show. What you are observing, doing, feeling everyday during this confinement. Your testimonial can be done using many forms, an anecdote, a journal, a drawing, a letter, a photograph or a video.
Any person or organization interested in contributing to this collection are invited to fill out this .